About us
BGNES Information Agency was launched in 2001. It is a private independent news agency that aims to inform quickly, accurately and objectively about all events in the country and abroad.

The headquarters of the agency is in Sofia. The main editorial offices of the agency are housed in the headquarters: domestic, international, Balkan, cultural, business and economic, sports. The agency is in continuous, round-the-clock operation and no less than 500 news items are published daily.
Dozens of journalists, reporters and photojournalists and operators with many years of professional experience work at BGNES. BGNES has its own correspondents in Bulgaria. For the news from abroad, the complete packages of the world agencies are used.

BGNES Information Agency is a co-founder and member of the International Association of Private Information Agencies. The Internet address of the BGNES Agency is www.bgnes.bg
The agency is paid and access to it is via subscription. BGNES Agency also publishes dozens of news on its free page every day.
The information products of BGNES enjoy the protection of Copyright Law. BGNES makes it possible to obtain these products only through a signed subscription contract. Without such a contract, no one has the right to use, distribute, retransmit or sell the content /news, photos, video or graphics/, nor any parts or excerpts thereof. The use of the same is determined according to the tariff approved by BGNES.
Access to the information packages of the BGNES Agency is obtained after signing a subscription contract.