Rossi McKee is "Business Woman of the Year" in the category "Online Brand in the Gaming Industry"

Rossi McKee is an entrepreneur, founder, and owner of many companies and the founder of Telematic Interactive Bulgaria AD - the first public company from the gaming sector in Bulgaria

Rossi McKee is "Business Woman of the Year" in the "Online Brand in the Gaming Industry" category.

The award was presented to her by Bilyana Toncheva, BGNES reported.

"Within every single woman lies an incredible power that you already know from the family environment and the businesses you run, but also a power that can change a lot of public life," said Rosie McKee.

"Believe in yourself, set high goals, and achieve them", urged the honored "Business Woman of the Year" Rossi McKee.

Rossi McKee is an entrepreneur, founder, and owner of many companies with a variety of activities, which include the development of new technologies, marketing, tourism, and production. She is also the founder of Telematic Interactive Bulgaria AD - the first public company from the gaming sector in Bulgaria.

But in addition to the successful business ventures that mark her career, she is also a philanthropist, involved in many projects related to environmental protection, health care, supporting young talents, culture, and preservation of Bulgarian primordial values in active work with Bulgarian communities abroad. /BGNES


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