CRTA: 52% of Serbs against Vucic, corruption and poverty are the biggest problems in Serbia

Kosovo is cited as a problem by only 11% of citizens.

52% of Serbs will vote against President Aleksandar Vucic if it comes to a referendum on whether he should stay in office. Serbs are concerned about the direction the country is moving in, feeling anger, rage and fear because of corruption and the tragedy in Novi Sad.

This is according to the results of a survey by the Centre for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA), reports BGNES.

Serbs do not believe that the solution to the political crisis can be a so-called "consultative referendum" on trust in the president , which was the idea of Aleksandar Vucic himself. However, if it comes to a referendum, 52% of the citizens would not vote confidence in Vučić and only 34% would support him. On early elections, opinions are divided. Serbian citizens doubt the conditions under which a snap election would be held.

The poor economic situation is having a huge impact in society. A quarter of respondents point to inflation, low living standards and poverty as the biggest problems they face.

61% of Serbs support the protests and blockades that followed the collapse of the Novi Sad shelter, which killed 15 people. One in ten citizens closer to the government supports the protests. The same applies to a quarter of the people who only follow media close to the government.

More than half of the population (57%) believes Serbia is moving in the wrong direction and a third recognises corruption as the biggest problem in the country. One in five respondents is most concerned about crime, and just under a fifth of the adult population (18%) is worried about the current protests. Kosovo is cited as a problem by only 11% of citizens.

Many more citizens believe in the sincere desire of young people to seek accountability for lost lives (58%) than those who see the students' actions as an attempt by "internal and external enemies to bring down Serbia" (33%), as claimed by Vucic and the government. Citizens trust students the most (44 percent) to persevere in their demands for justice, while only 27 percent trust the president.

A majority of Serbs (48 percent) believe that political responsibility for the tragedy should lie with the relevant ministers, followed by Vucic (39 percent). | BGNES

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