The "deceased" Pepi Euroto wrote to Kovesi, "I gave a 10,000 BGN/month bribe to the European prosecutor Teodora Georgieva in the "8 Dwarfs""

According to a BGNES reporter, the former investigator Petyo Petrov-Pepi Evroto has revealed shocking revelations about corruption in the Bulgarian European Prosecutor's Office.

 Pepi Euroto and the "Eight Dwarfs“

Pepi Euroto addressed a letter of disclosure to Laura Kovesi, the European Chief Prosecutor, the Prosecutor General, the SGP, the KPCONPI, and the Parliamentary Anti-Corruption Commission before she passed away in Dubai from a heart attack.

It uncovers a corruption plan that took place between 2019 and 2023 and lasted 4 years. Teodora Georgieva, a prosecutor in Europe, is implicated. She received substantial bribes each month.

"I personally gave Teodora Georgieva, the European prosecutor, BGN 10,000 each month. According to Euroto, the money was initially delivered at the „Eight Dwarfs“ restaurant's VIP area. Teodora Georgieva promised to have a say in particular pre-trial hearings in exchange.

One of the two European prosecutors hired by Prime Minister Kiril Petkov and Interior Minister Boyko Rashkov to question Vasil Bozhkov, who was hiding in Dubai at the time, and to coordinate the campaign against former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov during his unlawful detention in March 2022, was Teodora Georgieva. This was done in violation of the law. They continue the fabrication that the GERB leader is the subject of an investigation by the European Prosecutor's Office in this fashion.

In the information initially issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the detention of Boyko Borisov, Vladislav Goranov, and Sevdelina Arnaudova, Teodora Georgieva is said to have implicated the name of her supervisor Laura Kovesi. While on his way to Kiev to meet with Irina Venediktova, the head prosecutor of Ukraine, Kovesi became aware of this.

After an immediate reaction from the European Prosecutor's Office, even while the homes of Borissov, Goranov and Arnaudova were being searched, the Interior Ministry was forced to delete its own message linking the arrest of the three to the 120 cases that the European delegated prosecutors are monitoring in Bulgaria.

Teodora Georgieva is the wife of businessman Vasil Georgiev, who was appointed deputy foreign minister with Kiril Petkov's signature.

Former investigator for the capital investigative service and later its deputy director, Petyo Petrov-Pepi Euroto. He was moved to the National Investigation Service in 2009.

With the inquiry into the "Anti-Corruption Fund" three years ago—also known as the "Eight Dwarfs"— Petyo Euro gained popularity.

Pepi Euroto also included an affidavit with his infamous confessions to Laura Kovesi, which he personally signed and swore to the veracity of his claims. /BGNES

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