"Novaya Gazeta": Navalny may have died earlier

Dissident Alexei Navalny may have died much earlier than Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service announced

Dissident Alexei Navalny may have died much earlier than Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service announced. This became clear from an article in the newspaper "Novaya Gazeta", which refers to a prisoner from the IK-3 "Polar Wolf" colony, who wished to remain anonymous.

BGNES publishes the full text of the Novaya Gazeta article:

"There are already certain problems in communication with penal colony No. 3 in Yamal ("Yamskaya Troika" or "Troika", the media call the colony "Polar Wolf"), writes "Nova-Europe". This was due to the remoteness of the penal colony from densely populated areas and the special detention regime.

On the day of Alexei Navalny's death, the unofficial communication with IK-3, i.e. without oversight from the Federal Bureau of Corrections, it became even more difficult. But the editor managed to contact one of the prisoners and he said that "an incomprehensible commotion started in the prison on the evening of February 15".

- It all started with the fact that the evening inspection, which takes place from 8:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., was significantly accelerated - a prisoner from the Penitentiary Center-3 told Nova-Europa. - This often happens on the eve of holidays, when the supervisors rush to the table, but yesterday there was no holiday. Then they locked us in the barracks, warned us not to make any movements between the barracks, and increased security. So it was impossible to go outside. Late in the evening and during the night three times I heard some cars entering the territory of the zone, but I could not see through the window.

According to the prisoner, the morning of February 16 began with a complete "search" of the barracks. Colony officials confiscated several mobile phones, cards and even water heaters, the use of which had previously been neglected. From the phrases of the guards, the prisoners concluded that an inspection was expected in the colony.

- Usually, both the administration and the prisoners learn about such checks not a day or two before their arrival, but about a month earlier - says the source of "New Europe" - and prepare for them in advance. Because neither the prisoners nor the wardens (guards) need unnecessary mistakes that can be detected by inspectors. And then bang, suddenly, and the committee arrives! Clearly something must have happened!

According to the prisoner, it became known about the death of Alexei Navalny in the colony around 10:00 am (08:00 Moscow time).

- EPKT (single cell-type facility, often used for penal isolation or SHIZO in penal colonies; in IK-3 EPKT has 50 beds), where he was housed, is located far from the barracks, but if an ambulance came there, it it would have been visible," says the prisoner. - On the morning of the 16th, there were no ambulances in the colony, they appeared only after it became clear that Navalny was already dead. So I think that Navalny died much earlier than the time that had been announced. Most probably last night. Otherwise, why was it necessary to shut us up tight in the barracks, and search the barracks in the morning?

At the same time, the interlocutor of "Nova-Europe" believes that Navalny's death was a surprise for the authorities in the colony.

- Since the morning, both the "master" (head of the colony) and the "cousin" (head of the operation section of the colony) (head of the operation section of the colony) have been walking around like an empty sack over their heads, - says the prisoner. - In the afternoon, around three o'clock (13:00 Moscow time), several cars entered the administration at once. One from "Sova" (IK-18, "Polarna Sova" - a colony for life prisoners), a few more, apparently from Labitnangi (the nearest town to the village of Harp, about 35 km away) and one definitely from Salekhard (about 70 km from Harp). I think they were developing a common position before the commission from Moscow.

A prisoner from penal colony No. 3 tells "New Europe" about the conditions in which Alexei Navalny is detained.

The prisoners learned about the arrival of a commission from the central administration of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) in IK-3 around the same time as Navalny's death. According to the prisoners, this is another proof that the political prisoner left much earlier than announced. However, in the colony, they are sure that neither "Kalin's master" (the head of IK-3, colonel of the internal service Vadim Kalinin) nor his subordinates have anything to do with Navalny's death. Although they do not completely reject the suggestion that the leadership of the colony had to carry out an order that it did not want to carry out.

"The exact time of death is determined by the initial examination," pathologist Irina Sitnova told Nova Europe. "According to the body temperature, rigor mortis and the content of the internal organs. Since the relatives doubt the cause of death given by the authorities, they will insist on an independent examination, which with a 99 percent probability will be able to determine the cause of death. If Navalny really died of a thromboembolism, as the authorities claim, the autopsy will clearly show this, and the second examination will be able to confirm it. blood clot' is now a real scourge, with more deaths than AIDS and cancer combined.

If a blood clot blocks a pulmonary artery, death occurs within seconds. Until then, a person may not even realize that they only have minutes left to live.

However, the exact time of death will most likely not be determined in the re-examination.

As the forensic expert Igor S. (his surname is available in the editorial office) explained to Nova-Europa, the exact time of death is necessary to establish not only the cause of death, but also to reconstruct the events that preceded the termination of life activity.

The blood clot could break off on its own or be caused by mechanical impact. For example, Navalny may have been hit in the leg where the clot matured, causing it to break away from the vein and start "walking" through the body.

And this is exactly the kind of information the experts receive during the first autopsy.

"After the first autopsy, the internal organs will be in such a state that they won't tell the experts much," says the coroner. "This means that there is a high probability that the last hours of Alexei Navalny's life will remain a mystery to his relatives and to the public. Unless the relatives guarantee that the first autopsy will be carried out with the participation of independent experts who will not allow facts that do not correspond to reality to be included in the documents. Otherwise, it will be impossible to dispute the time of death, which means it will be difficult to reconstruct the events that preceded this death," the Novaya Gazeta article said. /BGNES

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