PASOK surpasses SYRIZA in popularity in Greece, support for far-right parties grows

Greece's largest opposition party SYRIZA, which is gripped by serious internal party turmoil, has been displaced from second place by the socialist PASOK.

Greece's largest opposition party SYRIZA, which is gripped by serious internal party turmoil, has been displaced from second place by the socialist PASOK.

The ruling New Democracy-ND retains its solid lead, according to a Greek opinion poll.

The poll, conducted by MRB for Open TV, showed the ND with 21.6% support (26.5% in May), followed by PASOK with 10.5% (11.5% before the European Parliament elections in May). SYRIZA has dropped to just 8.5% (13.1%) and is closely followed by the far-right nationalist party Greek Solution with a solid 8%. Two other far-right parties, Voice of Reason and Nikki, gained 3.4% from 2.3% in May and 3.2% from 2.4% respectively, while the populist Freedom Course rose to 5.3% from 2.8%.

As for the upcoming elections for PASOK's new leader, incumbent Nikos Androulakis and Athens mayor Charis Dukas appear ready for the contested race, receiving 25.5% and 21.9% support among voters respectively. I BGNES

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