Ambassador Hill: Washington will consider Trump-Putin meeting in Serbia

Американският посланик в Сърбия Кристофър Хил заяви, че Вашингтон със сигурност ще разгледа идеята на сръбския президент Александър Вучич новоизбраният президент на САЩ Доналд Тръмп и руският президент Владимир Путин да се срещнат в Сърбия.

US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said that Washington would certainly consider Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's idea for US President-elect Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin to meet in Serbia.

"I saw that the president expressed his opinion. Obviously, the idea will be explored in Washington," Hill said at a reception hosted by Foreign Minister Marko Djuric, BGNES reported.

Hill added that he had not yet heard anything from Washington regarding the proposal.

"But I will say that whenever President Vucic has thoughts on a topic, people consider those thoughts very carefully. That's all I can really say because this was news to me," the diplomat said. 

Asked what his personal position was on Vucic's proposal, Hill said he was not ready to comment on it.

"The only thing I can say is that the people in Washington, I'm sure, will look at the idea," said the ambassador, who ends his term in Belgrade next week and returns to the United States. | BGNES 

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