Javier Milei to the Argentine Parliament: I will govern with or without political support

Javier Milei to the Argentine Parliament: I will govern with or without political support.

In his first political speech to parliament, Argentina's libertarian President Javier Milei said he would push through his package of radical economic reforms "with or without the support of political leaders."
"We will change the country for the better ... with or without the support of political leaders, with all the legal resources of the executive branch," Milei told lawmakers, who stopped his project on deregulation and budget cuts, AFP reported.
"If you look for conflict, you will have conflict," the president also said.
Milei announced that he also aims to shut down the state news agency Télam during his speech. The agency was established in 1945 by former President Juan Domingo Peron, who was then Minister of Labor.
"We will close the Télam news agency, which has been used as a propaganda agency of Kirchnerism in recent decades," the president said.
Kirchnerism is an Argentine political movement based on populist ideals, formed by supporters of the husband and wife Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who were successive presidents of the country. /BGNES

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